HSVROC 2008!!! My 4th! And a great time, and thanks to Don VSP and Howard and family for making it a great event! Howard recently had his back worked on so no bike or skunk cap!! And sorry for the loss... get well Howard.... OTI is coming up!!!! Bring the cap!!! GBG

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.. the ol' song.... New year, new (to me) bike!!

You really can't make it out, but I'm sitting east of Manteca on 120 and a stinking train is sitting on the tracks!! Time for a break....

Did a snack stop at Crane Flats and then on to Tioga, and this year the weather was great!

A beautiful lake along the road, the water was clear as could be. I think this Ellery Lake...

Another view of Ellery Lake....

Friday Morning getting for a nice loop over and around Tahoe area and Mt Rose...

We did a traveling breakfast stop at Heidi's... Phil T at our table.....

Sherm, Carl, David J, and Ed

Skid, Sandy, Josh and KC...

I had to take a shot of my breakfast, it seems an obligation!! GBG

Tummy's full and we're getting back to our scoots... Phil T in front..

We stopped at the top of Mt Rose for a break...

Doing some leg stretching... Skid, Sandy, Josh, Sherm, Phil T and KC.. And then on to Virginia City...

There were some other bikes in Virginia City!!!

We made the mistake of stopping in front of an Ice Cream place... Didn't take me long to get my ever loving scoop of Mocha Almond Fudge!!!

Just a sittin' and a'lickin'... Ed on the right, he and Carl were caging it, Ed had surgery a while back and was not able to make it a scoot ride, but just read he's back on the scoot and loving it!! Good for you Ed!!!!!!

Friday night just sitting around and relaxing..

Think if you look at them shirts long enough, you'll go blind!!! GBG KC, Sherm, Skid and Sandy...

So next day Don VSP leads out into NOWHERE!!! About 35 miles out on the Giggle Road, 120 and we are in NADA, er Nevada land!

Taking a break and getting ready to head for lunch at Rhino's in Bridgeport.

Kind of a neat ol' place...

I had the french dip... The fries were great!! Nice and crispy!!

Phil T, Don and Tiny...

OK, this rest room is tiny (pun intended), the doorways are about the width of my elbow to my fingertips... I don't think Tiny used this place..

Our 3 explorers arrived later... they took off first from nowhere'sville... and did some photo shoots, then joined us. KC, Josh and Penmaker...

On to Saturday night and Jazzhound cooking up some dogs and brats!!!

Folks waiting for the grand event, the 50 / 50 drawing...

Roy C and his wife doing a "tall and short" pic

More folks waiting for the raffle...

Table center, Jest showed up, nice to see him, it's been a while...

Eric D checking out some stuff..

More folks ...

The raffle begins, and Eric D is back for a winner!!!

Slammer getting in on the action!

Roy C's wife won also, the blur was because she was moving so fast!! GBG ...or lousy picture taker.... sigh

NVRabbi picking up a gift...

Jazzhound's daughter picking up a goodie!! Good for her!! She hauled up the cooking goodies or we'd be without evening snacks!

Roy C was getting cool, so he won a jacket, with a great big K on it!!!!

Kimi picking up a gift, I donated a bike cover that would cover a 'nad with a trunk on the back...

Sherm picking up a gift...

Laura even won a jacket!! Good for her, and thank you for helping out all these years!!

Eric D back for more!!! YOU WANT MORE?????!!!!! GBG

Phil T got his number pulled out also...

RIck picking up a goodie...

Cat won also...

Tiny gets into the act also...

Well, guess what lucky dude won the 50 / 50???!!!! The Cranky man!!!! Skid got to pull the winning ticket, and I was standing behind him, he showed me the ticket and I couldn't believe it, I just don't win anything!!! BUT!!! I'll take it!!! GBG

Skid got to award Don VSP and Howard with a gift from someone that insisted on remaining anonymous.... And very well deserved for all their work!!!!

Much clapping and congratulations!!! VERY well deserved!!!

Roy C and wife (sorry,a name thing and age, sigh) Roy promised to wear his Kawasaki jacket he won on his Harley!!! GBG He was already plotting on how to cover it up....

Sandy figuring out how to attach her new doll to the wing!!!

Howard, Slots and Linda, Good to see you Slots!!! Get well!! He had some recent knee work and it slowed him down a bit...

So it ends again, how do you end a trip? NOT!!!!!! Out to Genoa for a visit to the "local bar"! GBG

Nice old town flavor! Go for a buggy ride!!!!

This is a plaque on the downside of Sonora Pass, west side, it 's for a road work person, but more importantly, it made a table top for my lunch!! GBG

As you can see, the air is blue!!! 2 years in a row!! I stay an extra day to visit my boy in Reno, and whole #!$)%!#)$*%!#$)%*!)% world catches fire!!! #)$&*)*$)%)*!%
I'm gonna have to change my $#!)*%!#*%) nic to Smoke Eater!!!! *!$)#*!$)%!#$*)% I ate smoke all the !$)%!#$*%!#_)% way home!!!! It got a little better on the west side of the pass...

My wife Donna drove up Sonora Pass and came back that way also, I went up Tioga, and back this way, nice ride, but there is about 15 miles that are knarly as hell!!! This is where I stopped for lunch, and she saw me and did the same!
BTW, the new car is a Rogue!!! Nissan, I have a new Rogue!!!! GBG

Now we know it ain't only the bears that do it in the woods!!! GBSEG

Middle Fork Stanislaus River and it was gorgeous!!! Just a roaring!!!
Another year gone...... sigh..... BUT... more rally's ahead!!! OTI and who knows what else!!! Duh!!!!!!!! HSVROC 2009!!!!!!!!!!
Great time great folks! On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again, it's been a long time since I've been there with my friends..... Sing it Willy!!! GBG